What is a TOOB Member?
A TOOB member is a volunteer. Volunteering for TOOB gives you the opportunity to donate your gift of time & to apply your abilities, skill & experience in areas of your interest at TOOB fundraising events.

What are expectations of a TOOB member?
a) To be an active, participating member.  Specifically, to assist annually for a minimum of one to two shifts, at any TOOB event.
b) To attend TOOB’s Annual General Meeting.

Why become a TOOB member?
It is only by having an active & participating membership that TOOB is able to succeed at fundraising events in the community.   Being a member you will work alongside other like-minded people who are also volunteering their time, skills and resources. 

What does a volunteer do at a TOOB event?
A team of TOOB executives meet monthly and work throughout the year to plan, organize, purchase, schedule, recruit, etc.

On the day of the event, volunteers are assigned to work a shift (or more) in areas which include:
- to set up (& take down) 
- to cook (grillers, friers) 
- to take order (cashier)
- to serve
- to man condiments table
- to cleanup equipment (post event)

Are there other volunteer opportunities?
- to serve as an Executive or Director (once a month)
- to administer website
- to be event photographer

Click here and a TOOB executive will contact you
to share information on how a
TOOB membership is beneficial to you, to TOOB and to the community.

Membership Dues

$25 for a 1 year Membership fee*
$40 for a 2 year Membership fee.*
A new member will also 
incur a one-time $30 initial fee
to cover the cost for 
a TOOB logoed shirt and hat.

D  O  N  A  T  E

You may wish to give support to TOOB through a donation. A tax-deductible receipt is issued for all donations over $20.
Donations by eTransfer.
Recipient: The TOOB
email: toobfinancial@gmail.com or 
a cheque payable toThe TOOB 
PO Box 1347, Station A  
Delta BC V4M 3Y8